Saturday, March 29, 2008

Reality Bites 3.29.08

Today I went on quite a few buses. Nothing out of the ordinary, I guess!

So going toward Geary hopped off the 18 onto the 38. As I board the 38, "Hurry Up I ain't got all day! Get on the bus or catch the next one!" WTF??? Passengers were fuckin getting on the damn bus like normal, no one was stopping or taking forever to board, fuckin rude crazy bus driver. If he was in a hurry or late maybe he shoudn't have sat at his rest stop so long and left on time! It was the 1st stop we all got on for christ sakes! Then this idiot drivr decides not to stop at 3 stop signs, he just rolled right through them. WOW! that's all I could say.

Was on some bus going from the castro to geary I think it was the 34 bus. It was Moshabar, Will and I. I saw 3 seats available and sat down, Will sat next to me and Moshabar sat next to a drugged out dude! He had long pink hair, crust all over his pants and drool crust coming from his mouth. He was eating haribo coke gummies probably so h wouldn't grind his teeth. I was going to crack up watching Moshabar sitting next to this guy.

Going home around 9:10 at night, had to take the 38 then the 18. 38 bus came on time and nothing happened on that bus. Then waited and waited and waited in the freezing cold. Called muni 3 times, when the hell is the bus coming!!!!! It took 45 minutes for a damn bus to show because they took a couple buses off the route, don't you love muni!


Anonymous said...

I was recently on a 71 bus outbound which blew threw a bunch of stop signs on Noriega at high speed. Clearly the driver needed to get to the end of the line to relieve herself.

However, the Union 76 on Noriega wasn't open, so no toilet for her. So like 71 bus drivers do every day, she probably went to pee/poo in the bushes at the end of the line (48th/Ortega).

I hope she made it without soiling herself. I also hope next time she plans ahead so she doesn't have to endanger the lives of outer Sunset residents.

And yes, I reported this incident on the MTA website. Of course, I never got a response.

Whole Wheat Toast said...

@webdog: then keep spamming them with complaints every couple of days or so!